Author Archives: Shari Hrdina

Letter to the Future

[By Faith Meckley] During my time on the Climate March I have come to realize that the climate crisis is more dire than I could have ever imagined. The reality of the situation has affected me very deeply and has begun to lead me down paths I didn’t even know existed. Since this transformation in my thinking about the future has been very personal, I thought it would be more appropriate to share this in a letter rather than a typically-formatted blog post. The following Continue reading →

Shira Wohlberg

Hometown: Williamstown, MA Age: 44 Interests: Permaculture, lawn replacement, wild edibles, Gertrude Stein, performance art, ensemble improvisation practices, neighborhood planting projects, bicycles Why Shira wants to be adopted: I hope to share my enthusiasm for the joyful adventure of simple living life changes with a broader family. Adopt Shira for $100 – ADOPTED! Adopt Shira for $250 Adopt Shira for $500 ** Please note on your check or Paypal who you are adopting or send an email to ki(at)climatemarch(dot)org after you have adopted so we can note it Continue reading →


September (25)-26-27 9.9 miles Friday ~ Thursday, Sept 25th events ~ 7 pm (small group of Marchers will be in attendance) “Climate: Great Reckoning, Great Homecoming” is the title of a speech by the Rev. Michael Dowd related to the Great March for Climate Action. Rev. Dowd, a former pastor in the United Church of Christ who is the author, among other books, of Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World, will deliver his Continue reading →

Good Enough to March On

[By Sean Glenn] Wow. We are in the heart of it all. Yesterday I woke up stressed and to be perfectly honest, uninspired after our Chicago events. I thought our marcher speakers were excellent! And I was so proud of all of them; their calls for “radical” action that really are the sanest of reactions to our current crisis. They spoke with conviction and confidence gained in marching from LA to the Windy City. We have seen enough now to know that we need to Continue reading →