The book Marcher, Walker, Pilgrim contains 80 photos. The hardcover features color photos while the paperback has black-and-white photos. Here is a sampling from the book.

The March was powered by sustainable systems like this solar collector. Pictured: Doug Cooley.

Music was a daily part of life on the March. Here, Jimmy Betts and Ed Fallon play in the Mojave Desert on St. Patrick’s Day.

Peter Clay in front of The Glass Outhouse before marchers set out across the Mojave Desert.

Marchers saw first hand how a changing climate is affecting people across the country. Pictured, crop damage from an unprecedented hail storm measuring 8 x 100 miles.

Severe storms afflicted the March for six days in eastern Colorado.

Marchers gather at our final destination in Washington, D.C. across from the White House.