
September (25)-26-27 9.9 miles Friday ~ Thursday, Sept 25th events ~ 7 pm (small group of Marchers will be in attendance) “Climate: Great Reckoning, Great Homecoming” is the title of a speech by the Rev. Michael Dowd related to the Great March for Climate Action. Rev. Dowd, a former pastor in the United Church of Christ who is the author, among other books, of Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World, will deliver his Continue reading →

Good Enough to March On

[By Sean Glenn] Wow. We are in the heart of it all. Yesterday I woke up stressed and to be perfectly honest, uninspired after our Chicago events. I thought our marcher speakers were excellent! And I was so proud of all of them; their calls for “radical” action that really are the sanest of reactions to our current crisis. They spoke with conviction and confidence gained in marching from LA to the Windy City. We have seen enough now to know that we need to Continue reading →

Oh, the Places We’ve Seen!

[By Mary DeCamp]   The Great March for Climate Action has been on its cross-country walk from Los Angeles, CA to Washington, DC for six and a half months now.  We’ve traveled across eight states.  We’ve hiked over the Great Divide and are now close to the Great Lakes.  What an amazing way to explore this part of the planet that we call our home country!   Last night we slept in the Good Shepherd Montessori School.  My room was in the religious studies classroom Continue reading →

Ready to Take Action

[By Jennifer Jordan] Late in 2013, I saw Mariam Kashia at a local environmental event. She was wearing a Great March for Climate Action t-shirt. I didn’t know her then, but I looked up the March when I got home that night and immediately decided that I wanted to do a portion of the journey. I talked it over with my wife, looked at the timeline and registered to walk for two weeks through Iowa and Illinois. I’m not sure what so strongly compelled me Continue reading →

Jeffrey Czerwiec

Age: 33Hometown: Des Moines, IA Interests:  Eating food on the March (recently became vegan), Broadway musicals and my cat phoebe. Why Jeffrey wants to be adopted: I would really enjoy connecting with my adopter. As I have marched across the country I have enjoyed the one on one interactions. Learning from people is an important piece of this experience.   Adopt Jeffrey for $100 Adopt Jeffrey for $250 Adopt Jeffrey for $500

Benjamin Bushwick

Age: 22 Hometown: Rockville, Maryland Interests: Long walks on the beach, puppies, giving and receiving free food, cuddling, hammock lyfe, human children, Psychology, playing Chess with myself, deadheads, mothman, and popping foot blisters. Why Benjamin wants to be adopted: When I haul all of my worldly possessions in a baby stroller through Chicago, I appear no different from the homeless. One day it will be fashionable. If everybody did this, many of us would be getting much needed fresh air, and we could make village Continue reading →