Longest Climate March Sends Emissary on Foot to Largest Climate March


Monday, July 28, 2014

Contact: Ki Coulson, Communications Director, Great March for Climate Action: 805-270-5232, ki@climatemarch.org

Longest Climate March Sends Emissary on Foot to Largest Climate March

On September 20 in New York City, the longest climate march will join the largest, making history in a move to inspire America to take action against the climate crisis. One marcher, 60-year old Steve Martin of Henderson, Kentucky, is being sent by the Great March for Climate Action as an ambassador ahead of the main body of marchers to arrive by foot in time for the start of the People’s Climate March.

“We’ve been inspired by the dedication of our friends at the Great March for Climate Action–and we’re looking forward to marching in step together at the People’s Climate March this September 21,” said 350.org Executive Director, May Boeve. “We’ve got a long road ahead when it comes to tackling the climate crisis, but like any journey it begins with a single step. Thanks to the leadership of activists like those on the Great March for Climate Action, we’re already well underway.”

Martin travels alone, without a support vehicle, pushing his gear in a stroller along busy highways. He arranges his own meals and lodging, either finding a campsite or stopping at a roadside motel. Martin left the other marchers in eastern Colorado on June 22, walking about 25 miles per day. The main body of the March continues at a pace of about 15-16 miles per day.

Martin is a retired second-generation photographer with a penchant for high-fructose corn syrup and meat. Last year he walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain, but felt his journey was not over. “I don’t consider myself to be an activist,” said Martin, “but I hope my footsteps will make a difference in the race to wake-up America’s leaders to address the climate crisis.”

“We are so enthusiastic about the Peoples’ Climate March,” said Ed Fallon, founder and director of the Great March for Climate Action. “Marchers talked about how powerful it would be if we could quicken our pace and arrive in New York in time. We realized that would not be physically possible for most of us. But one marcher felt up to the challenge, and we are thrilled that Steve has committed to doing this, to being our on-foot ambassador to the largest climate march in US history.”

The Great March for Climate Action departed Los Angeles, CA on March 1 and is scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC on November 1. On September 18, marchers will board buses for New York City at the Indiana-Ohio border, taking four days off to travel to the People’s Climate March on September 20-21.

To learn more about the Great March for Climate Action visit www.climatemarch.org. To join the Peoples’ Climate March visit www.peoplesclimate.org. To read aboutSteve Martin’s solo trek to New York and locate him on his journey, visit his blog at www.7millionsteps.com.