Next Stop: California


The Great March for Climate Action is ten days from kickoff! A year’s worth of planning and training will all come together March 1 in Wilmington’s Waterfront Park. In just a few days, our Iowa staff will pack up and make our way to California for trainings, seminars and more.

With the staff preparing to depart, we are nearing our first internal checkpoint for donations. If you have any of the items listed on our Equipment Wishlist or that are still needed from our Equipment page, please let us know ASAP!

With the March about to roll into gear, we are in greater financial need than ever. A marching climate activist is a hungry climate activist, and the costs of feeding marchers will be significant. So, if you’ve donated please consider donating again. And as the marchers make their way across the country, other things will come up that will need to be taken care of. Supplies may break or items not previously thought necessary will suddenly be in need. So, if you stumble upon items you are willing to part with please send them to the appropriate post office along our “Snail Mail Trail”. Also monetary donations will always be accepted and appreciated, both directly to the Climate March and to each of the marchers through our Crowdrise page.

The preparation is nearly complete and the first steps will soon be taken. Thank you to everyone who has supported us through the initial stages and to all of those who already pledged their support down the road.