Author Archives: Shari Hrdina

A New Beginning

Often, when a new year rolls around, people take it as an opportunity to start fresh, to change the path they are on. The Great March for Climate Action is taking this very literally. Santa Monica was originally going to be our starting point, but after some solid scouting work by our California State Coordinator, Ki Coulson, the Climate March will now kickoff in Wilmington, California. The change to Wilmington (which is a part of the greater Los Angeles area) will help shed some light Continue reading →

NRDC Endorses March

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), one of the most well-known and successful non-profits in the world, has endorsed the Great March for Climate Action. The NRDC has spent the last 40-plus years fighting for environmental causes through political action, grassroots activism and hands-on work. They have more than 1 million activists and members in their network, all working to preserve the environment and fight actions that would harm the Earth. NRDC President Frances Beinecke writes: “We have an obligation to protect future generations from Continue reading →

Packing List

All goes in 2 waterproof duffel bags (no suitcases or hard edges): Personal Deodorant Baby wipes (only compostable) Lip balm?with sun screen Compact or unbreakable mirror (or phone) Hand sanitizer Lotion Cosmetics bag Sunscreen Ziploc bags Identification Credit card ATM card Small wallet Reading glasses Ear plugs and/or eye mask Prescription medications Travel towel (quick dry) Hand towel (quick dry) Several bandanas Bug spray or wipes Tylenol/ibuprofen Band-aids First aid kit Clothing Socks for a week (Not cotton. Quick dry or smart wool) 2-7 shirts Continue reading →

Let’s Continue the Season of Giving

Let me open this post with a huge thank you. Last week was Giving Tuesday, and our lovely community of Climate March supporters, marchers, family and friends stepped up in a big way. We are inching our way towards $30,000 in donations on CrowdRise, and should reach that milestone today. There have been others who have come through with both monetary and in-kind donations (with special thanks to CantinaWest Solar Cookers, Joe Henry and Eco Commode). The support that we have received has been amazing, Continue reading →

Equipment Wish List

The Great March for Climate Action is looking for in-kind donations as well. We have already received donations of a truck, porta-potties and a parabolic solar cooker. If you have any of the following items to donate – or know of an individual or business who might – please contact Sarah Spain at Dishes, unbreakable, preferably sustainable origin Folding chairs 4 Hand washing stations Snake Bite Kits Sponsors for Solar Generator 10 WonderWash laundry machines 10 Wonderbags for cooking Bungee cords Solar Lanterns/lights for camp Continue reading →

Meet Our Marchers On Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a fairly new tradition, but one that has gained a lot of momentum and popularity over the last couple of years. The idea is that after all of the consumer spending of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people take the time to give to non-profits, charities and other organizations that use their efforts and resources to make lives better and make the planet brighter. Even a small donation can make things easier for a lot of tremendous organizations. Those of us at Continue reading →

A Wonderful November

November has been a busy and terrific month for the Great March for Climate Action. As we ramp up our efforts towards March 1, we have received several bits of exciting news over the past few weeks and past few days even. – This month, we hired our first State Coordinator, Ki Coulson. Ki is from Los Angeles and has worked for years with various sustainability non-profits and has an amazing work ethic regarding environmental causes. Ki has been working diligently in Los Angeles to Continue reading →

Ed Begley, Jr. Endorses Great March for Climate Action

Actor and noted environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. has given his endorsement to the Great March for Climate Action. “The most important and courageous journeys begin with taking that first step, together, in the right direction,” Begley said. “The Great March for Climate Action is imperative for the future of this planet and all living beings on it, not only to stand up to the climate crisis we are in, but to step forward and march on.” Begley is an Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actor Continue reading →

Thank YOU for Stepping Forward

One year from now, the Great March for Climate Action will have arrived in Washington, D.C. after its eight-month long journey across a continent. The marchers will have traveled 3,000 miles, spoken to people in over 100 cities, and spread the message that action on climate change is urgent. They will have crossed deserts, mountains, plains and plateaus, in all sorts of weather conditions, experiencing the vastness of America in a manner more primal, more physical than most modern people can even imagine. Although we Continue reading →

Power Shift Conference Produces Great Results

Pittsburgh used to be one of the dirtiest cities in the world. With its coal-burning steel plants and petroleum refineries, the air in Pittsburgh was so dirty the street lights often ran during the day! Now, Pittsburgh is changing its reputation. A city once dominated by fossil fuels is now among the leaders in green technologies. Companies formerly dependent on mining and burning coal for energy are now switching to wind and solar power. They still have a way to go, but the results, both Continue reading →